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proprietary.是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全 - 911查询
来自 : danci.911cha.com/proprietary.. 发布时间:2021-03-24
proprietary.是什么意思 proprietary.在线翻译 proprietary.什么意思 proprietary.的意思 proprietary.的翻译 proprietary.的解释 proprietary.的发音 proprietary.proprietary. 双语例句


1. The proprietary and operation rights of membership service of QFISSC belong to Qingdao Foreign Trade and Economic Information Centre.

2. You may not use GPL\'d code as part of a proprietary program.

3. proprietary.

3. Products, in large part proprietary, are well-styled and highly useful, and

4. proprietary.的解释

4. On the international market, proprietary Chinese medicine is part of the highest scientific and technological content, but also the most lucrative profits as part of China in Chinese herbal medicine raw materials and plant extracts are not on the share of low, but in the high-end production and marketing of proprietary Chinese medicine is relatively Japan And South Korea, the pharmaceutical industry is lagging behind many developed countries.

5. Even as most of its peers have been dragged down by subprime-related investments, Goldman\'s fixed-income business has boomed, thanks in part to a proprietary bet that the value of mortgage-backed securities would fall.

6. proprietary.什么意思

6. B The Purchaser shall not make available or otherwise disclose to any third party the proprietary software or any part thereof or any information relating thereto without the prior written consent of corporation.

7. Buildings ownership, is the distinction ownership refers to a number of co-owned a building, the owner of the distinction enjoyed by the proprietary part of the exclusive ownership, and the share enjoyed by some of the authority, and the resulting Common relations generated by members of the right to collectively.
摘 要:建筑物区分所有权,指多个区分所有权人共同拥有一栋建筑物时,各区分所有权人对专有部分所享有的专有所有权、与对共用部分所享有的共有权、以及由此形成的共同关系所产生的成员权之总称。

8. The one I am using is optimally secure because they have their own proprietary high end encryption codec with patented technology that is hosted in a professional facility.

9. This company is a proprietary company.

10. proprietary.的反义词

10. The company has a proprietary right to the property.

11. It can be treated, in accounting terms, as a proprietary asset of the company.

12. The credit score formula is always a proprietary information of the company that formulated them.

13. Smaller institutions do not have deep pockets and may find that implementing OSS costs more than a proprietary solution.
比较小的机构没有足够的资金,而且可能发现实施 OSS 的费用超过专有方案。

14. proprietary.的解释

14. Overseas or domestic investors who invest in the form of machinery or intangible assets such as proprietary technology

15. Containing a proprietary formula featuring standardized white kidney bean extract, it helps reduce excess carbs, which may be stored as fat.
Natrol 独特的白肾豆萃取配方,可以帮助减低体内过多的碳水化合物,以免在体内被贮存为脂肪


16. This powerful tool can suggest up to 100 domain names using their proprietary semantic domain name technology.

17. Now, the Redlands, California-based company makes shoe with their proprietary Stealth rubber for a variety of outdoor disciplines.

18. B. is non-proprietary and available in the public domain

19. Despite its limited set of features and low data density, it was ubiquitously used for transfer IC layout data between design tools from different vendors which operated with proprietary data formats.

20. Taverna uses a proprietary language, the Simple Conceptual Unied Flow Language or SCUFL [11] for short.

proprietary. 单语例句proprietary.的翻译

1. China\'s first proprietary carbon fiber light airplane made its debut at the International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai recently.

2. He said owning proprietary intellectual property ensures a company remains competitive and increases the added value of its products.

3. They had no choice but to sell proprietary assets at big discounts, reminiscent of the vicious cycle in America.

4. Motorola accused Huawei of civil conspiracy and \" threatened or actual \" misappropriation of trade secrets and demanded the return of all proprietary trade secrets and damages.

5. The government wants to commercialize its farm produce oriented toward exports, and develop some proprietary brands.

6. Underwriting business is now the third major source of income for brokerages after commission and proprietary trading.

7. He said Libbey\'s proprietary manufacturing technology is a core competency and will be key to its progress in countries where it has glassware manufacturing operations.

8. Backing the complex project is a proprietary software system the firm developed over the past year and a half.

9. Zhuang medical practitioners today are less likely to divulge their prescriptions, since their livelihoods depend on this proprietary knowledge.

10. The province has already developed an edge in PV technology, and has a group of local companies with their own brands and proprietary technologies.

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本文链接: http://proprietary.immuno-online.com/view-694462.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)